Monday, December 14, 2009

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

Sending warm wishes for the Holidays to all of you! Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Birthday Boy & The Birthday Girl

Sam shared the spotlight with Ryan this year for her party. Her little bro had been pretty sick the week before his 3rd Birthday so there wasn't much hoopla over his big day. She said now that she's would be okay to have Ryan open his gifts too with her friends around. What a sweet big sis!

Playing with our Friends

The Duckett's drove down to FL for a whirlwind visit. The arrived just in time for the OSU-Michigan Game. The kids acted as if they hadn't spent a moment apart. We spent a couple days in Orlando going to the theme parks & then headed back to Jax for Thanksgiving. A great time was had by all!

We told 'em to stay dry....

I guess taking 6 young kids to the beach & asking them to stay out of the water was a pretty tall order! No one complained on the ride back home that they were wet or full of sand...that must mean that it was worth it! Even Tim had to run in after some shoes that were being washed away!

Papa & Mema came to town!

We have had so many visitors this fall! Papa & Mema payed us a visit in November. They stayed for a whole week & boy oh boy, did we wear them out! These pics are from the Fort in St. Augustine.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Spent a sweltering Halloween at the block party with our friends & Grandma G. Despite the heat,
(85 degrees at trick or treat time!) we had fun. Ryan loved hanging with the big kids this year!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pickin' a Pumpkin

Spent some time at the pumpkin patch...picking out just the right pumpkins for carving. Sam took a field trip there with her class too & she taught us to cut the bottom of the pumpkin off to carve it instead of the top. She learned that cutting off the top cuts off the remaining nutrition supply from the vine...& that is your pumpkin fun fact of the day!

Peace, Love & Rock & Roll Dance

The girls went to the annual Girl Scount Fall Dance & rocked it out! Lots of dancing & SCREAMING...Momma had to take some Tylenol when we got home!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Uncle Steve's visit!

Uncle Steve came to Jax to check out our new place & have some fun in the Florida sun....except it was FREEZING! We are blaming him for tying the record low temp while he was here. He obviously brought the cold weather from the north because it left when he did! Despite the frigid air, we did manage to sqeeze in a trip to Universal & Islands of Adventure, tailgating & a Jag's game, the beach & of course, some corn hole.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fire in the sky!

We don't normally play in the street in the dark, BUT, the sky was so red that we had to grab some pics of it! You have to look really hard, but S & Z are in the 1st pic too!

Explanation for the Tooth Fairy

Zoe lost a tooth at school last week....the bad part was she actually LOST the tooth...couldn't find it anywhere. Her teacher wrote a letter to the Tooth Fairy for her to explain what happened.

Cuz Lexi turns 2!

We celebrated Alexis' 2nd Birthday in Orlando with The Palm Beach Gregorys. She's such a lucky little girl to have a poolside party in October!

Universal & Islands of Adventure

Ryan & Alexis chillin' with some popcorn while waiting for the big kids to get off of the rollercoaster. The pigeons thought they were gonna get some of that corn, but Ry & Lexi let them know who it belonged to!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Zoe's Character Counts!

Zoe won the award for the Character Counts award for her class for September. The character trait that they were awarding was Fairness. Her teacher said that Zoe demonstrates all of the qualities that they were teaching for this topic. At the assembly, her Principal, Mr. Story presented the award to Zoe. Ryan gave his big sis a high five. Now for the big question...Why can't she apply this to interactions with her sister!??!

Family Game Night

Sam & Zoe kicked some butt against Mommy & Daddy on Disney Scene-It last night. You can see them doing their "We Won & You Lost" Dance at the end!