Thursday, August 27, 2009

Big Boy Bed!

Ryan got a super cool racecar bed. He called Mema & told her that she needs to come over & see it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1st Day of School

Our Second Grader & our First Grader started school on Monday. They are bike-riders this year. So far, we are all enjoying our bike rides to and from school...even Ryan!

The Butterfly House

We ended our trip with a visit to The Butterfly House in Whitehouse. One was trying to steal some nectar from Zoe's mouth while another was kept poking my foot. We had a great time in OH & we were ready to head back to FL & see Craig!

Tubing on the Maumee

We gave Uncle Steve's boat a run for it's money last week. We did lots of tubing & Zoe even got up on ski's, if only for a few brief seconds!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Swimming at the Berg's

It was like old times...we headed over to the Berg's & swam for the day. Alex, Cal, Brooke, Evan & Nadia joined us too. It was great catching up with our friends!

We love our Zoo!

We explored the new Nature's Neighborhood while at the zoo. What a blast!

Andrew, Jacob & Mikayla tagged along for the day too.

Izzy's Birthday Party

Our cousin Izzy turned 1 while we were visiting so we got to attend her birthday bash! We saw most of the Pancone's...which was great!

The Maumee Summer Fair & Parade

We got to go to the parade & see lots of people that we know from Maumee!

Marco's Pizza & Penguin Palace...a good day!

On our first day of our week-long trip to Toledo we knocked 2 things off of the list...Marco's Pizza & Penguin Palace. To make it even better, we got to enjoy them both with our friends & family! The Duckett's & Bobek's met us at Papa & Mema's for some pizza, then we headed to Anderson Park where we worked up our appetite for some ice cream from Penguin Palace. Uncle Steve stopped by the Palace to see us too!

All she wants for christmas?

Zoe lost her 2 front teeth on the top...but she says that this is NOT all she wants for christmas!

Gone fishin'

Well folks, we have ignored our blog for way too long. Our hiatus was a result of finding a house, moving, taking a vacation & the start of school. Here are some pics to bring you back to speed. This is our fishing pond that is directly across the street from our new house. Ryan has pulled his chair up to the end of the driveway to watch his sisters while they fish.